5 Safety Tips for Swimming Pool Owner Builders

August 27, 2017

Many people would agree that pools are the most exciting home investment. However, there is much to consider when preparing for a new pool and proper planning is extremely important. Because once you invest in a swimming pool, it is going to be there for a while. Just thinking about all the great times you are going to spend with family and friends in your new pool is exciting, and it can easily become the new hangout place for everyone.

Building your own pool with expert advice from professionals is exactly what you need. That’s because owner builder pool consultants have safety tips to ensure that everything goes just as planned.

1. Planning a pool with safety in mind.

There are many home owners that want a swimming pool because their children are pleading them for it, others want a pool because it will add to the value of their property. Either way, once you find the motivation behind your decision to get a pool, it will be easier to set goals and to design your swimming pool around your needs and safety concerns.

If you have children then designing a pool with safety in mind is paramount, and a pool consultant can help you make sure that your family will be safe, by availing of a pool alarm, pool fencing, and a pool safety cover.

2. Establish a budget for your new pool.

Once you have looked at some pool design options, and have discussed them with pool professionals, then you will have an idea of how much it will cost. With owner builder consultancy, professionals can help you find ways to save money off the cost of materials and other pool related expenses, to keep you ‘safely’ within your budget.

3. Don’t overlook the maintenance costs.

Maintaining a pool takes time, energy and money. Consulting and planning with pool professionals, you will get a good idea of how much electricity will be used to run pool pumps for filtering on a regular basis. Also, consider who is going to clean the pool and balance the chemicals, to keep the water clean on a regular basis? These are decisions that should be considered even during the pool planning stage.

4. Choosing the right type of pool.

While it is easier to trust your pool professional’s recommendation on most everything, especially in regards to safety features and the types of materials to use, a little research will help you explore some of the many design possibilities available. Things to consider are the size, shape, and placement of the pool, as well as the kind of pool fencing to use.

5. Safety barriers and pool fencing.

Swimming pool owner builders are required to erect safety barriers when a pool is being constructed, and pool fencing to make sure children and adults do not unknowingly enter the area and fall-in once the pool is finished. Failure to comply with any such regulations can land an owner builder into legal hot water.

The best safety tip is to hire professionals to help you build your pool, such as Delorenzo Pools. We will make sure that you meet all legal requirements, remain within your budget, choose the right type and size of pool, and that no maintenance costs are overlooked.

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