5 Signs Your Pool Tiles Need a Replacement

October 26, 2022

Every swimming pool owner will need to replace their pool tile at some point. Whether it's due to natural wear and tear or an emergency pool repair, it's a necessary procedure to preserve the longevity of your pool. Not doing so will make your pool seem worse and reduce your enjoyment. But when is the ideal moment to do so, and what is the process? Here are some signs to know that it's time to replace your pool tiles.

Signs of Cracks and Broken Tiles

If you see that the tiles in your swimming pool have too many cracks, it's an indication that you should contact a swimming pool tiling service in Melbourne, such as Delorenzo Pools.

When you find this problem, don't hesitate to contact us because too many cracks look bad and can cause future problems. Cracked or broken tiles can indicate old age or damage to the substructure of your pool. The sooner you think about replacing these tiles, the better. We guarantee that we will replace your cracked and broken tiles with high-quality tiles that we have available at a considerably affordable price.

Few Tiles are Missing

As the tiles age and wear out, a few of them in your pool may completely wither away. In this case, we will need to replace the existing tiles with new ones.  In addition, if you notice tiles missing from multiple spots in your swimming pool, you should act quickly to protect your pool from further damage.

Mould and Mildew Growth on The Tiles

If you see mould and mildew growth on the pool's outer surface tiles, it is an indication that they need to be replaced immediately, and you should contact Delorenzo Pools Melbourne to assist you with the procedure. We will evaluate your pool's tiles, and if the growth is excessive and has spread to other areas of the pool, the tiles will need to be replaced.

Parts of Your Swimming Pool Are Damaged

If multiple components of your swimming pool have fallen off, it is a warning that they must be replaced immediately. If the entire swimming pool construction has deteriorated, you may need to engage in a complete swimming pool renovation. In any case, if you find these broken parts, you should act quickly. Instead, have your pool inspected by professionals as soon as possible.

Your Pool’s Surface Looks Uneven

The surface of your pool will appear uneven if the tiles have gotten loose and the core framework has been harmed. In this case, you will either repair the tiles or replace them entirely to restore evenness.

For help with your pool tiles, you can trust Delorenzo Pools Melbourne to do the job. We also provide owner-building consulting and full services for your concrete swimming pool; we strive for the best possible solution for our clients at an affordable price.

Are you planning to build a swimming pool in your backyard? Our team of experts can help you with the entire process and build your dream pool. Feel free to check out all our services and contact us for all your pool-related enquiries.

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