Above Ground vs. Inground Swimming Pool: What are the Pros and Cons?

November 6, 2020

Pools are a wonderful addition to properties that still have enough outdoor or backyard space. With pools, property owners and their respective families and visitors can enjoy the refreshing benefits of swimming activities. They can also make properties much livelier and more enjoyable. Even the monetary value of the property can be enhanced with the presence of well-designed and properly maintained pool areas.

If you are planning to have a pool on your property, then you should consider some elements first. Pools can be constructed either above ground or inground. Both these locations can yield pools that boast beautiful design and aesthetics. However, you should still know some more factors about them.

To help you choose between an above ground or an inground swimming pool, here are some quick comparisons of their notable features and drawbacks.

Above Ground Swimming Pools

One good thing about above ground swimming pools is that they can be installed very quickly. The processes involved in constructing this type of swimming pool are clearing and levelling the area, constructing the pool, installing the liner, and filling the pool with water, which can all be done in just a day for some instances. Aside from quick installation, above ground swimming pools are also cheaper to build and maintain. Some of these pools are comprised of small pumps, filters, and other components, making both the construction and maintenance works easier and the costs involved lower.

While above ground swimming pools can be constructed easier, the number of options available for their pool shape, features, depth, and others is limited. Most of the time, this type of swimming pool is already a fixed vinyl liner, which can limit the number of components and fixtures that can be added. Another possible drawback of above ground swimming pools is that they do not last for a long time. Even with proper maintenance, above ground swimming pools can only last around 7 to 10 years.

Inground Swimming Pools

What is great about inground swimming pools is that they can take any shape, size, or depth that the owner would want to obtain. These swimming pools can be shaped like an oval or a kidney. Varying the depth of some parts of the pool is also possible with inground swimming pools. Additionally, the number of features that can be integrated with inground swimming pools is abundant. You can freely add some steps, decks, and even waterfall features to this type of swimming pool. And even with all these enhancements, you can expect your inground swimming pool to last for numerous decades.

As for the drawbacks of these pools, their whole construction process would normally take six to eight weeks, which is longer than above ground swimming pools. Additionally, their whole construction and even maintenance can be truly expensive since they are integrated right into the ground. And since you are free to add more features and enhancements, all of them can easily alter and increase the total cost of your pool installation. Inground swimming pools also require more space, especially with the land area.

Both above ground and inground swimming pools have their own share of advantages and drawbacks. But no matter what type of pool you choose, you are guaranteed to obtain all the benefits of having a pool. If you want some more help with pools, just contact us at Delorenzo Pools Melbourne.

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