Affordable Pool Tiling for Swimming Pool Owner Builders in Melbourne

May 29, 2018

Swimming pools are the ultimate exciting addition to your yard. Taking ownership of your own swimming pool oasis by way of operating as an owner-builder can be one of the most satisfying things you do for your property. What you need to remember, however, is that beautiful swimming pools don't just pop out of the ground -- you have to work for them just a little bit! One of the ways that you can improve your own swimming pool oasis is by considering adding affordable, beautiful swimming pool tiling to your pool. Today, we are going to talk about what a professional team like Delorenzo Pools can do for you, your pool, and the quality of your tiling.

Affordable Pool Tiling for Owner Builders

If you live in or around Melbourne, you owe it to yourself to seek out a company like Delorenzo Pools in order to help address your tiling needs. Tiling is often looked over by people when they first install their pools and that is a mistake! The right kind of tiling can be absolutely integral to making sure that your pool looks appealing. As an owner-builder, you have plenty of options when looking for pool tiling and more than a few ways to attack your project. Let's dig into these different options in order to help you explore your potential choices in the future.

Coloured Tiles - The most common type of tile for owner-builders is the coloured tile. These are simple tiles that allow you to pick and choose the coloured background of your swimming pool. Coloured tiles will also create the illusion that your swimming pool's water is a different colour.

Glass Tiles - Incredibly popular, glass tiles create an illusion of depth that can be visually appealing when you are standing next to your pool! Glass tiles are incredibly easy to clean and they look really nice, especially in smaller pools that could benefit from the added 'depth'.

Stone Tiles - Bali stone tiles come in a variety of different colours. These tiles give you a natural appearance in your pool with the added bonus of being exotic looking, affordable, and easy to maintain.

As you can see from our list above, carefully selecting your pool tiles can help to impart just about any kind of visual aesthetic that you can dream of. Look to a company like Delorenzo Pools to help walk you through all of your pool tiling needs in the Melbourne area. Once you improve your pool's tiling, you won't regret it!

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