An Overview about the Design and Uniqueness of Bali Stone Tiles

September 27, 2016

When it comes to providing a soothing ambiance to the finish of your pool's interior, there is nothing better than Bali stone tiles. The stone that these tiles contain is unique since it comes from one specific part of the world, namely Bali, Indonesia. This is one of the main reasons that pool owners are turning to these tiles to complete the interior of their pools in an attractive, personalised manner.

Bali Tiles Come in a Variety of Colours

Tiles that contain Bali stone come in a variety of colours, such as greenish, bluish and brownish tones. You can select a single shade to install or you might wish to mix the colours to enhance the pool's interior surface. Let your creativity be your guide when you choose the right tile shades for your pool.

Choose the Size and Style of Tile Cut That Suit Your Preference

On top of the different colours of these tiles, you also can select the size and style of the cut to suit your preference. While certain Bali tiles contain flat surfaces, other ones are round and smooth similar to river stones. Consider how comfortable the particular style will be on your bare feet to choose the right one for your purpose. In addition, the various sizes allow you to mix or match the tiles to enhance your pool in a distinctive manner.

Simulate a River Bed or the Look of the Sea

Bali stone tiles are ideal to simulate the appearance of the sea or a natural river bed. Imagine your pool with this type of enhancement and how much it will increase your enjoyment of the pool. Even guests to your home will be in awe of the beauty of these tiles.

Durability at Its Finest

Another benefit of these tiles is the high level of their durability. They will stand up to years of foot traffic and water exposure without prematurely showing wear. You receive a substantial return on your investment.

Low Maintenance Requirements

All the Bali tiles require is routine cleaning to keep them free of dirt, algae and mould. Even when one becomes loose or cracks, it is replaceable without a total renovation most of the time.

If you have an interest in Bali stone tiles for your swimming pool, contact Delorenzo Pools. Our company provides professional design, renovation and construction services for various configurations of swimming pools. We offer a guarantee with each pool project that we perform for clients.

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