Benefits of Resurfacing Old Swimming Pools

October 6, 2017

Because swimming pools are a permanent part of a home or commercial property, these are an investment that should be maintained, mainly to preserve the value of a property. Besides up keeping pool filters and motors, the surface areas of pools also need to be maintained, especially as pools age.

Over time, weather slowly degrades the surface of pools, not to mention that it is not uncommon that the earth beneath pools will also slowly shift over the years, which can cause concrete pools to develop cracks. This is especially true in areas where tectonic activity is a common occurrence.

Cracks in a swimming pool’s surface can cause leaks, which can cause further problems that is why pool resurfacing is a common practice. Pool resurfacing is typically done during a pool renovation project, at the same time pool lighting is added and pool alteration are made, such as adding additional stairs, ladders, extending or shorting a pool’s length, or depth.

Years ago, simple plaster was used to resurface swimming pools after repairs were made. Today, there are more pool resurfacing options available, and these come with more benefits.

Pool Resurfacing Materials and Their Benefits

If you want to improve your pool beyond its original state, then resurfacing is the best way to go about it, for several reasons. The main reason is obviously to prevent leaks, and depending on the type of pool resurfacing material, cleaning your pool can become much easier too.

Here are a few of the most common surface types available for resurfacing swimming pools:

Plaster and Epoxy Paint

Today’s high-quality plaster and epoxy paints are an affordable way to provide a clean finish to any swimming pool. Besides being an affordable resurfacing solution, plaster and epoxy paints come in a wide variety of colours and are easy to apply.

Aggregate Pool Surface

Plaster mixed with rocks and quartz is one of the most common pool resurfacing choices, as it helps to prevent slipping, its more durable than plaster and epoxy paints, and it looks much better too. The only downside to using aggregate as a pool resurfacing material is that it takes longer to install and it cost more than high-quality plaster and epoxy paints.

Pool Tiles

Opting for pool tiles will definitely alter the look of your pool, and these can be used in many decorative ways. That is why it is recommended to consult with pool professionals before making any firm decisions on the type of tiles to use on your pool resurfacing project. Concrete pool designers and builders will have many suggestions and example to show you that will help you choose which tiles are best for your pool.

You can learn more about pool resurfacing by contacting the friendly pool professionals at Delorenzo Pools, they are a family owned business in Melbourne with decades of experience in all things related to pools.

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