Best Renovation Upgrade Ideas for Your Swimming Pool

March 9, 2022

A pool is an excellent addition to your property, but if your pool is beginning to show its age, it might be time for a few fresh updates so that you can get more enjoyment from it. Several upgrades and renovations are popular among Australian homeowners this year. Let's take a look at a few ideas.


Upgrade Your Tiles

If you have cracked or chipped tiles, it can make your pool look old and dingy. Now, you have many new choices for pool tile designs and materials that will give it a fresh look. You can choose tiles that make your pool look like the ocean or a refreshing tropical retreat. Contemporary customer mosaic tile designs give it the update it needs.


Expand the Shallow End

For many years, pools were built with an 8-foot-deep end, whether they needed it or not. Activities like water sports and aqua aerobics are gaining popularity, and many people are trading their diving boards for more space in the shallow end. This also makes the pool friendlier for growing families. You can still swim a few laps to keep in shape, but unless you need a diving board, there is little need for a deep end. Many are now choosing to limit their design to a shallow pool for floating or soaking up the sun. Shallow pools also take less energy to heat.


Add a Spa

Adding a spa to your pool is another popular trend that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. Adding a hot tub or spa is the perfect combination for soothing your tired muscles after swimming a few laps. It is nice to be able to go from the spa to the pool in just a few steps.


Refresh the Landscaping

Redesigning the landscaping around your pool is another way to give it a new look. Landscape designs have changed, and now, they emphasize water conservation and sustainability. Adding a hardscape area, such as a space for a barbecue or pergola, can allow your pool area to serve multiple functions and expand your entertaining possibilities. It might be time to have a professional give you some fresh ideas and a new way to look at your pool landscaping that suits your changing needs.

Delorenzo Pools is a family-owned business that has been serving Victoria homeowners for nearly three decades. We provide high-quality pool services with attention to detail and a focus on creating your dream pool. Every pool is unique, and we can customize our services to meet your needs and your budget. Contact us, so we can give your pool an update and create the perfect sanctuary for enjoying the summer sun.

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