Concrete Pools Crack Repair and Renovation

July 9, 2018

As the years pass, swimming pools can become worn and lose their new sparkling appeal, and can even have cracks appear on surfaces. If your pool has seen better days, it may be time to bring it back to life with concrete pools crack repair and renovation.

Benefits of Crack Repair and Renovation for Concrete Pools

It is not only possible to repair your swimming pool if it has cracks or other damage, but it can also be renovated to be just like new. Chipping, cracks, and regular wear and tear can leave your swimming pool in a worn and unappealing state that can rob you of your enjoyment. Not only that, but there are other reasons why concrete pools crack repair and renovation should be considered:

  • A damaged pool interior and cracked surfaces can become a safety hazard for you and your family. This is because of an increased risk of cuts and abrasions as people use the pool.
  • A damaged swimming pool interior can also increase maintenance expenses, cause the loss of water and chemicals, and weaken the soil around the foundation of the pool causing even more damage and cracking.

At Delorenzo Pools, we offer quality products and superior workmanship to not only repair pool cracks, but to totally renovate or upgrade your swimming pool, from beginning to end.

Upgrading Your Swimming Pool

There are many ways available to upgrade your swimming pool’s interior, and at Delorenzo Pools we can replace cracked or broken tiles, and advise you about which choices may be best for upgrading your pool with new tiles. Other pool interior options include:

Epoxy painting – as an alternative to tiling, epoxy pool painting is an excellent solution to various pool challenges, especially when it comes to aesthetics requirements or budget limitations.

Underwater swimming pool patching – using special additives with high quality cement, it is possible to repair cracks in concrete, instantly, underwater. Repairing concrete pools in this way saves money and time, as pools do not need to be drained of water for repairs to be conducted.

Replacing loose and cracked tiles – instead of renovating your entire pool, you may decide to only repair any loose and crack tiles as needed, until a time you decide on renovating your pool completely.

If you aren’t sure if you should either repair pool cracks or renovate your pool with a new surface, then contact us here at Delorenzo Pools, we can examine your pool and suggest a choice of solutions.

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