Consider Pool Renovation When Your Swimming Pool Poses Dangers and Health Hazards

November 16, 2018

Concrete swimming pools are the best because they are stronger and last longer than any other type of material used in the construction of pools. However, nothing lasts forever, and after years of faithful service, even a concrete pool may need a renovation. Unfortunately, old and newer concrete pools can become a health hazard and pose dangers to people, and when that happens a pool renovation is the solution.

Actually, there are some dangers that exist that a majority of pool owners are unaware about, and these are easy to spot, if one knows what to look for.

Remove Dangers and Health Hazards with Pool Renovation

Swimming pool hazards and dangers that may exist are many, and any found should be rectified as soon as possible to prevent risk of injury. Here is a short list of common pool hazards and the dangers they pose.

Cracks and Leaks

Visible cracks around the edge of pools are definitely a hazard as people can easily trip and fall, either into the water or on the ground and become injured. Or, those with bare feet can get cut when walking on them when using the pool. Cracks usually appear because the land around the pool shifts or sinks because of earthquakes, or water leaking from the pool has soaked the earth under it.

Deep Pools and Drowning

A swimming pool is a home investment that increases the resale value of any house. Often, when people buy a home the depth of the pool is not considered, but it does matter when there are small children involved. Older concrete swimming pools often have depths of between 6-8 feet, which is not recommended for unsupervised use for children under twelve years of age. Today’s concrete swimming pools usually have depths of six feet, which statistically decreases the risk of drowning, but with a concrete pool renovation any depth can be achieved.

Unsecured Pool Access

An open pool, one without a safety fence, also poses a hazard as someone could unknowingly enter the pool area and accidentally fall into the water, such as small children. That is why it is recommended to install a simple pool safety fence, especially if there are very small children living in the house, so as to limit access to the area, when there are no adults around to supervise the use of the pool.

When planned, designed and constructed, pool renovations can make your pool larger, smaller, deeper, shallower, and definitely safer. In fact, any pool design you can imagine can be created with concrete. So, if you are thinking of giving your old pool a makeover, or you just want to make it safer for everyone, then contact Delorenzo Pools – Melbourne’s best concrete pool builders.

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