Design Your Own Swimming Pool from Scratch by Becoming an Owner Builder

September 4, 2019

If you have ever imagined building a swimming pool from scratch to save money, it is possible by becoming an owner builder. The only limitation to designing your own swimming pool is the amount of yard space you have available.

While designing your own swimming pool from scratch is possible, unless you have all the needed tools, equipment, and know-how, you will require some assistance from pool professionals at some point. Still, there is much you can do to put your swimming pool design ideas into motion until professional assistance is needed.

Here are some things you can do to get started building your swimming pool from scratch:

Determine the shape of your pool – the first thing you can do to design your own swimming pool from scratch is to define the shape and area of your pool. You can do this by taking some string to create a layout of your planned pool’s shape and size in your yard; whether you decide on a circular, rectangular, or other geometric shape for your swimming pool. Creating a layout that you can see will help you visually plan the design of your pool and the walkway around it.

Excavating the hole for your swimming pool – before digging any hole on your property, you want to make sure to call 1100 – a free national referral service meant to prevent damage to utilities lines. Once you have verified that the area you have planned for your swimming pool is safe to dig, you can begin excavation.

Excavating a hole for a swimming pool is a lot of hard work, with many obstacles to overcome, such as moving soil and transporting it off property. Many people who start to excavate a swimming pool hole end up calling professionals to finish the job. Pool professionals cannot only dig the needed hole for your swimming pool, but they can also pour the needed concrete base.

If this is your first time owner building a swimming pool, not to worry, there is help available at Delorenzo Pools.

Owner Building Swimming Pools with Delorenzo Pools

Becoming an owner builder is easy with help from Delorenzo Pools, we can help you choose the best design, shape, and size of your swimming pool, excavate the hole and pour the needed concrete base. We can also help you to acquire all the needed permits and permissions, materials, pool lighting, and heating systems for your new swimming pool.

From beginning to end, Delorenzo Pools can assist you in designing and building your very own swimming pool from scratch.

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