DIY Pool Maintenance Tips That Help

May 17, 2016

In order for your pool to be ready at a moment's notice for a refreshing dip in its water, you need to maintain it properly throughout the year. Proper care of the pool ensures that the water is clear and free from debris and unhealthy elements such as bacteria, algae and mould. On top of this, it will help keep the mechanics operating at an optimal level. While you may need routine visits from our professionals periodically during the year, follow the DIY pool maintenance tips below to take care of your pool in between our visits.

1. Keep a cover on your pool during long periods of non-usage. By doing this, you will keep large amounts of debris from blowing or falling in the water. Covers come in a variety of sizes, styles, materials and colours for this purpose.

2. Dedicate time each day to checking the water in your pool to ensure that the chemical balance of your water is correct for the safety of you and other users of the pool. You can purchase testing kits for just this purpose. This tip is especially important during times of heavy usage.

3. While you are checking the water, remember to examine the filters to see if they need cleaning or replacing. The water will not flow through your system correctly to filter out the sediment when the filters are full or worn from use. Ensuring that the water filters properly will keep the sediment from entering the mechanics of the pool where it may cause the equipment to malfunction. At the same time, empty your skimmer and pump basket.

4. Skim the pool each day to remove leaves, branches and other debris from the water. When you leave these elements in the water, they start to decay and taint the water. If this occurs, you may need to shock the water back into balance to return it to a healthy condition for swimming. Shocking pool water is just a matter of increasing the level of chlorine high enough to kill the bacteria.

5. Vacuum and scrub your pool at least, twice a week or more if necessary. A pool vac will remove the debris from the bottom and walls of the pool while scrubbing the sides will remove the residue on the sides or possible algae growth. You may perform the scrubbing first and then run the vacuum.

The above are just some simple DIY pool maintenance tips that you can follow in between our professional visits. Consult with us on other measures you can take with your pool to ensure the water is sparkling clean and sanitary whenever you wish to take a dip in it.

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