How to Diagnose Concrete Leaking in Inground Swimming Pools

September 24, 2018

A leaking pool is a problematic situation. Not only are you losing cash due to the constant need to refill a pool to its default water-level, but a leak left untended will often result in further damage to your pool that will cost you more to repair later on.

Detecting leaks on in-ground swimming pools can be difficult to do on your own, but it is not impossible. Here are some easy techniques to diagnose if your concrete is leaking in your inground swimming pool:

  1. The Water Level Trick – Checking your pool’s water level can be a great way to detect if you have a leak or not. The best way to do this is to mark your pool’s default water level at the skimmer using duct-tape or a water-resistant marker. Wait for 24 hours and check the water level again. If you have lost a significant amount of water (typically more than ¼ inch), then chances are you have got a leak somewhere.
  2. The Pump Trick – Sometimes leaks can be more difficult to detect. Some leaks can be located in the filtration system, while others can be caused by a faulty skimmer. Finding out which is which is easy enough to do, but it cannot be done just by measuring the water level. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, employ the first trick – mark your pool’s default water line, but incorporate two simple additional steps. On the first day, leave the water filtration system on and check the water levels the next day.

If you have lost a significant amount of water with the filtration turned on, you have a problem with the pressure side of your pool, probably having to do with a leak involving the pump. If there is no significant loss of water, repeat the process but with the filtration system turned off. If there is a significant drop in the water level, chances are you have a problem with the vacuum side of your pool. If you experience loss in both instances, your pool structure is compromised.

Detecting leaks can be done on your own, but it can be quite difficult to do so efficiently. However, if you want to make sure whether your pool has a leak or not, it is always best to seek help from a pool professional.

Delorenzo Pools and their team of pool experts can detect any leaks you may have, and then deliver the right type of repairs to solve the issue. Specialising in DIY and custom-made pools, Delorenzo Pools have a reputation of delivering only the best service possible.

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