How to Plan for a Pet-Friendly Swimming Pool for Owner Builders

March 29, 2018

There is no doubt in our mind that there is something magical about coming home after a long, hot day and getting to relax in your own swimming pool. At Delorenzo Pools, we have made it our personal business to ensure that any homeowner that wants to own a pool can have one, provided that they follow a few simple steps. Getting a swimming pool is simple, especially for owner builders, and it is to them that we have a topic to discuss: pet-friendly swimming pools. When designing your swimming pool it can be immensely beneficial to consider making it pet-friendly during the construction phase rather than making modifications after. Today, let's discuss a few ways that you can plan your pet-friendly swimming pool.

Swimming Pools and Pets - Planning For Our Furry Friends

Whether you own a pet today or plan to own one at some point in the future, planning your swimming pool with your furry friends in mind can be a great way to get ahead of any potential problems. In fact, even if you DON'T have or plan on having a pet you can still prep your pool in case a friend brings their pet or a stray wanders into your yard.

Animals are great at finding their way to swimming pools and they are even better at jumping in. The problem, unfortunately, is that most animals aren't going to be able to get themselves back out of the pool without assistance -- unless you plan for them. Here are a few great ways you can make your swimming pool pet-friendly without putting in too much effort:

  1. Safety Covers - Without a doubt, the most effective way to shut down pet problems with your swimming pool is to invest in a safety cover. Safety covers completely enclose your pool so as to keep pets and other critters out of the water.
  2. Ramps - Adding a little ramp to one end of your pool, leading from the water to the exterior of the pool, can be a lifesaver. Ramps are more affordable versions of our next tip.
  3. Stairs - When going through the designing phase consider adding stairs to one end of your swimming pool. Not only will your pets appreciate it, but it is also good for you and any younger people who use your swimming pool.
  4. Gates - Finally, consider building a gate that goes around your pool. These gates work to keep animals and small children away from the water which, in turn, makes your swimming pool all the safer.

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