Owner Builder Swimming Pool Checklist: What First Timers Need to Do

April 19, 2017

If you are planning the construction of your first swimming pool as a homeowner, there are important aspects you need to consider before beginning this exciting building project. Of course, you want to seek the advice of a qualified pool architect and contractor before all else. Whether you want an indoor or outdoor home pool, as a first time builder, this expert advice will assure you of constructing a beautiful, safe and durable pool that will operate successfully for many years. Next, you can focus on your preferences of pool size, shape, building materials and surrounding leisure areas. You want your first pool to provide the best swimming experience possible for you, your family and friends, so always work with top experts in home pool design.

Essential Features of Good Swimming Pool Design and Operation

As well as a superior operating system, excellent filtration, chlorination and water temperature control, the following features of creating a safe, clean and enjoyable swimming experience should also be considered:

  • Comply With Local Pool Construction Regulations. - Your pool construction most likely must comply with specific local laws and regulations. Be certain that the water's edge of your pool is the correct number of feet away from your property line. It is also important that it is the required distance away from your home's windows and balconies or upper deck areas. Certain construction materials and methods may also be required, according to the climate in your locale.
  • Install Quality Pool Cleaning Equipment. - Many experienced pool builders recommend including an in-floor cleaning system in the construction of your pool rather than using the pool vacuum installation. They favor in-floor design because it will direct dirt and debris toward the pool's drains for faster, more thorough cleaning. The in-floor cleaning nozzles can also be attached to seats, steps and spa areas adjoining your pool so that the entire area can be kept sanitary and sparkling.
  • Consider the Safety of Family and Neighbors. - To ensure the safety of all swimmers, family, house guests and neighbors, every entry to your poolside area should be secured by a self-closing and latching gate or door. These gates or doors must be tall enough so that their latches cannot be reached by small children. These closures should also have sturdy locks for securing your pool and surrounding leisure areas when you are not using your pool.
  • Enhance Your Pool's Operating System. - Although it will increase your pool construction costs, it can be worthwhile to install a separate pump for your state-of-the-art pool's therapy water jets. While the filtration system operates on the power of its own pump, the water jets will be powered by another pump to provide strong, steady and uninterrupted power for excellent water jet operation and your complete enjoyment.

For the ultimate experience and advice concerning the building of your first home pool, consult Delorenzo Pools serving the entire Melbourne area. With this quality team's expertise, your initial experience with home pool construction will be a positive and rewarding one.

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