Pet Safety Around the Pool: What You Need to Know

September 8, 2022

For the entire family, including pets, backyard swimming pools are a never-ending source of joy, laughter, and entertainment. This article offers advice on keeping your entire family safe if you own pets, have a pool, or are considering getting one.

Swimming pools are appealing to lots of animals. Cats like to sneak a short drink when their master isn't looking, and dogs enjoy retrieving fascinating buoyant objects. What then can you do to ensure the safety of your pet? Supervise! Nothing can ever fully replace the security of parental supervision.

Here are a few more things you can add to your pool setting to keep your family and pets extra safer.

Consider Pool Fencing and Inspect Any Possible Dangers

While most pool fencing standards are governed by legislation, making sure your fencing is pet-proof is a good idea. Make sure there are no holes or crevices for a new pet, puppy, or kitten to fit through when you introduce them to your backyard. It is a good idea to use glass, stiff plastic, or Perspex to cover the bottom part of the pool fence or gate.

Keep an eye out around the pool for any tunnels or holes your pet may have dug, and cover them. Avoid leaving furniture near the pool fences that can be used as a ramp to leap over the fence, such as chairs or tables. Ensure that all pool chemicals are securely stored away from your pet and that electrical leads are out of a chewing puppy's reach.

Use Pool Netting or Cover

Pool netting and cover items come in various types and are sold in specialised stores. Remember that nets only function when they are kept in the pool; thus, replacement of the cover after each pool usage must be done with extreme caution. When no one is around, your pet might be tempted to jump in and play with any floating objects or pool toys left in the water. So, ensure you will not leave any toys or floating objects in the pool when no one's around.

Install Pool Alarms

These come in various styles and are a last line of defence. For instance, a device that may be fastened to a pet's collar. A base station inside the house will alarm if the pet enters the pool area and unintentionally falls in.

Ensure Safe Pool Ramps and Stairs

Expose your pet to the pool, so they are familiar with its layout and that it is clear to them that it contains water. A set of stairs or a ramp that will give your pet a non-slip simple exit should be considered when designing or installing a new pool.

Train Your Pets

Pets can be taught to follow a set of progressive stages. Untrained pets are more prone to run to the nearest edge and attempt to claw their way out; their panic-induced weariness can happen very quickly. Therefore, it's a good idea to introduce pets more prone to dipping to a shallow region or exit point!

Even if a swimming pool is the finest method for humans and pets to cool off in the hot season, mishaps can still occur if you leave your pets unsupervised. Delorenzo Pools Melbourne is an expert in anything pool related. With almost three decades of experience serving Victoria, our company's core values are excellence in service and attention to detail. We can assist you in making sure your pool is secure for you and your pets. Contact us today!

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