Pool Automation: What is it and Why You Need it for Your Pool?

May 10, 2023

Having a pool in your backyard has many rewards, but pool maintenance isn't one of them. In addition, to shocking, flocking, and backwashing the filter, many hours were spent skimming leaves, cleaning walls, and adjusting chemical levels. By the time you're done, it's about midday, the kids are pleading with you to let them get in, and you're ready to sleep.

The good news is that automating your pool can reduce the amount of time you spend maintaining it. No more cleaning up after dirty strip tests or remembering to turn on the heat pump. In this blog, we'll go over how pool automation works and why it can help your pool stay cleaner, greener, and easier to maintain.

What is Pool Automation?

Pool automation is the use of technology to control and manage various aspects of your pool, including the water temperature, filtration, lighting, and more. Automation systems allow you to control your pool from a smartphone or tablet, making it easier to manage your pool's settings and functions from anywhere. Here are some of the benefits of pool automation:

• Energy Efficiency: Automated pool systems allow you to control your pool's energy consumption, reducing your energy bills and your carbon footprint. When energy rates are lower, you can schedule your pool's filtration and cleaning cycles to run during off-peak hours.

• Convenience: With pool automation, you can control your pool's settings and functions from your smartphone or tablet, making it easier to manage your pool when you're not at home. You can adjust the water temperature, turn on the pool lights, and even set up a schedule for your pool's cleaning and maintenance.

• Improved Water Quality: Automation systems can monitor and adjust your pool's pH, chlorine levels, and other water chemistry factors, ensuring that your pool's water is always clean and safe for swimming.

• Cost Savings: Automation systems can help you save money by reducing your pool's maintenance costs. By automating your pool's filtration and cleaning cycles, you can extend the lifespan of your pool's equipment, reducing the need for costly repairs and replacements.

• Increased Safety: Pool automation can also help improve the safety of your pool by providing alerts when there's a problem with your pool's equipment or water chemistry. For example, if the water pH levels are too high or low, the system can send you an alert, allowing you to correct the problem and ensure the safety of your swimmers.

In summary, pool automation offers a range of benefits for pool owners, including energy efficiency, convenience, improved water quality, cost savings, and increased safety. Investing in an automation system for your pool allows you to enjoy a more comfortable, convenient, and safe swimming experience.

Pool owners increasingly turn to pool automation as technology develops and our lives become busier. Although it doesn't eliminate the need for pool maintenance, it does make having a backyard pool simpler and less time-consuming.

Are you ready to spend more time swimming and less time fiddling with switches? Then get in touch with a Delorenzo Pools Melbourne professional to find the perfect automation solution for your pool. We also offer other services for all your pool needs.


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