Pool Heating: Prepare Your Swimming Pools for the Winter Season

May 8, 2017

When it comes to swimming pools, if it is hot outside people look for cold water, and when it is cold outside, they want to swim in warm water. However, when winter season approaches, pool owners tend to consider covering their pools until the warmer months return, it can be a sad thought to ponder – not being able to enjoy your pool when it gets cold outside. Thankfully, there is no need to shut your pool down during the winter season because technology today gives pool owners the capability to regulate the temperature of swimming pool water, making it comfortable enough to swim all year, even when it is cold outside.

If you and your family love swimming, then there is no excuse not to use your pool all year long, even during the winter season, if you have pool heaters installed? With the development of technology for heating swimming pools, you can comfortably go swimming even on cold days. There are different ways to heat the water inside swimming pools, here are few listed below.

Types of Pool Heaters

Gas pool heaters – high performance, energy-efficient gas heat pumps for pools quietly and economically manage your pool’s water temperature at all times. Basically, these simply work by heating water using natural gas or LPG, and then pumping the water back into your pool.

Solar pool heaters – these collect heat from the sun and then water is run through the solar collector to heat it. Once heated, water then flows back into the pool.

Electric pool heat pumps – while effective at heating pool water, electric pool heat pumps are not recommended for families with budget constraints, although, electric pool heaters are very effective and even economical for use in small pools.

Gas is a more popular source of heat in homes, and it is also preferable for heating swimming pools too. Basically, a gas pool heater is more efficient and cheaper than using an electric pool heating system, especially in regards to larger pools.

Delorenzo Pools can Prepare Your Swimming Pool for the Winter Season

Gas pool heaters, solar pool heaters, and electric pool heaters all have their pros and cons, and if you are unsure which pool heating system is right for your home’s swimming pool, then call the professional pool experts at Delorenzo Pools, they can help you choose the right type of pool heating system.

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