Swimming Pool Cracks and Loose Tiles: Should Your Repair or Fully Renovate?

May 9, 2018

There is something uniquely pleasant about coming home to a beautiful swimming pool in your backyard. However, no matter how well you treat your swimming pool, you are almost always going to have to spend some time maintaining it in order to keep up its appearances. With swimming pools, there are a variety of different problems that you might eventually run into but one of the most consistent sources of headaches is sourced from your tiles. When your swimming pool tiles start to come loose or crack, you know that you need to take action. However, what kind of action do you need to take in order to address these swimming pool tiles? Are you going to repair the tiles or replace them?

Caring For Cracked or Loose Pool Tiles: Renovate or Repair?

Swimming pool tiles can completely change the way that you perceive your pool. Depending on your taste and the landscaping around your pool, you can really make your backyard oasis into something that is attention-grabbing and eye-popping. However, when those tiles begin to crack or loosen then you know that a problem is at hand. Tiles can begin to crack or come loose for a variety of different reasons, some of which we have discussed in other blog posts. No matter what reason these tiles have begun to come loose or crack, they need to be fixed -- and soon. You have to make a decision: do you repair the tiles or do you renovate the entire section? Let's look at the benefits of each course of action.

  1. Repairing Loose Or Cracked Tiles - When it comes time to address your broken tiles, you may feel inclined to repair them instead of renovating the entire section. Repairing your tiling involves re-grouting the entire section. Re-grouting is going to be a little bit of a pain, depending on how deep the cracks go, but it could end up being the easier of your two choices.
  2. Renovating Your Entire Tile Section - When loosened or cracked tiles are the result of deeper trauma, you are probably going to have to renovate the entire section. Renovating and re-tiling is the most effective way to address deep-seated issues and taking these issues out early could end up saving you a ton of money down the line.

In order to decide whether or not you should repair or renovate your tiles, take some time to examine how deep the problem goes. Superficial cracks can be simply repaired while deep-seated issues, such as problems coming from the deck or the foundation of your pool, will require more elaborate solutions. If you aren't sure which avenue to take, reach out to Delorenzo Pools Melbourne for a consultation.

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