Swimming Pool Moulds and Algae: Causes and Prevention Tips

March 15, 2021

Algae and mould spores can enter your swimming pool at any time through the air, especially on windy or rainy days. Algae can grow rapidly in areas that receive either direct or indirect natural sunlight. Mould can spread quickly in wet or damp environments, so pools and their surrounding areas are ideal places for mould to grow. Using photosynthesis, algae absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen in the process as it multiplies and spreads. 

Pool algae thrives on myriad types of contaminants and debris that can gather in pools. Even the cleanest, well-maintained swimming pools contain microscopic amounts of algae and mould. Both can grow and spread easily when nitrates are present or in water that has a poor pH balance. Pools with inadequate water circulation, filtration and sanitation can also encourage the growth of these fast-spreading, unhealthy forms of aquatic life. 

By consulting our experts at Delorenzo Pools serving Melbourne and locations throughout Victoria, you can gain valuable information and services concerning best practices for clearing your pool of mould and algae.       

Tips for Clearing and Preventing Mould and Algae Build-up in Your Pool

Helpful tips for clearing and preventing the accumulation of mould and algae in your swimming pool include the following: 

• Create Healthy Water Balance. In order to return your pool to healthy swimming conditions, you need to create safe water with recommended content balances. Ideally, the water's pH level should equal 7.2, alkalinity counts should be 80 to 100 and cyanuric acid levels should equal 30 to 50. 

• Add Chlorine Pool Shock. By adding a powerful dose of chlorine pool shock, or granular chlorine, to your pool water, you can effectively eliminate growing algae. This dose should equal 30 ppm (parts per million, or mg/L), with the distribution of 4 lbs. of pool shock per 10,000 gallons of water. 

• Brush Pool Carefully. By giving your pool a thorough brushing, you can spread the shock while disturbing the algae and mould growth. 

• Run the Pool Filter. If you run your pool filter from 18 to 24 hours each day, you can easily clean the water to the extent needed for maintaining good water flow. 

• Introduce a Clarifying Agent. By placing a clarifying agent in the pool water, you can restore adequate water clarity, which will support good activity of your pool filter. 

• Add an Algaecide. After your pool water's chlorine count falls below 5 ppm, you can add an effective algaecide to the pool water. This agent will work to eliminate algae accumulations and help prevent any return growth.     

When you add these algaecides, or specialised chemicals, to your pool water, they offer a protective back up to pool water filtration and sanitation procedures. An effective algaecide that is commonly used for this purpose is potassium tetraborate. Another substance, chitin, is not an algae eliminator, but it can help prevent additional algae growth in pools. If you add a phosphate remover to your pool water, it will eliminate phosphates and nitrates, which are major foods for sustaining algae.

You can also test your pool for phosphate content using testing strips. To remove any phosphate present in pool water, add PhosFree or PhosKlear to the water.  By adding chlorine enhancers to your pool, you can initiate synergistic support for pool shock. It is best to add these substances to the water at the same time, but as separate doses. 


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