Swimming Pool Renovation Ideas: The Best Upgrades That You Can Do

October 21, 2016

Over the years, your swimming pool has served you well, but you now feel that it requires renovation to restore it to the ideal condition. On top this, a remodel is the best time to add new features or improve its mechanical functioning. We explain five of the best upgrades that you can do during a swimming pool renovation in the information that follows.

1. Resurface the Pool with Coloured Tiles

You should not just resurface your pool's interior with gunite during its renovation, but you need to kick it up a notch by adding coloured tiles to the interior. By doing this, you will transform your casual swimming hole into an elegant oasis. Various types of tiles are available, including Bali natural stone ones. Just select the colour of your preference with these tiles to enhance your pool in a special way.

2. Add a Waterfall or Bubblers

Another upgrade that adds to the enjoyment of your pool is a waterfall at one end or the side of it. Bubblers are other enhancements that create a magical effect, especially when they include lights along with the bubbling mechanics.

3. Update Your Pump

Upgrade your pump with a new energy-efficient model that requires less electricity to perform its function for the pool. Today, there are improved filtration systems that you may also consider for your swimming pool.

4. Install an Automatic Sanitising System

One upgrade that is all the rage at present is the salt water chlorination systems. With one of these systems, salt is converted in chlorine to sanitise the water, thus, doing away with the need to constantly add chlorine to the pool. The system regulates the level automatically.

5. Enhance the Swimming Pool with LED Lighting

While renovating your pool, the addition of LED lighting options will be an economical upgrade since they conserve energy while they provide illumination in a wide range of colours. Whether the lights are for the interior of the pool or around the exterior area of it, LED choices last for a long time, so you save money in two ways with them. You can lower your power bill and how much you pay for light bulbs throughout the years.

For further upgrade ideas for your swimming pool renovation, contact our staff members here at Delorenzo Pools. Our company specialises in designing, constructing, renovating and maintaining pools in a quality manner. We will work with you to come up with the ideal swimming area for your property.

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