Swimming Pool Safety: Things to Consider When Building a Backyard Swimming Pool

February 14, 2018

While a backyard swimming pool is a wonderful amenity for your home and family, it can also be a place of danger if you ignore safety concerns. Small children can fall into the pool accidentally, electric malfunctions can cause injuries and even the plants surrounding the pool are three examples of these concerns. We expound upon these things and others in the following details to ensure that you consider them while building your swimming pool.

Depth of the Pool May Be a Safety Concern

A shallow to moderate depth pool is safe for swimming, exercising and playing water sports, but it is not safe for diving. You will need to install a deep pool of at least nine feet or more to be able to practice your dives. Of course, the higher the diving board is, the deeper the pool should be to avoid hitting bottom upon entry into the water. Also, if small children are going to be using the pool, you should have an area that is no deeper than three to four feet.

Fencing Is a Necessity

Pool fencing is a necessity around your swimming pool to prevent unwanted access by young children. After all, they will want to swim 24/7 even when you are not right with them. The correct fence will keep them from possibly drowning. Check local regulations to learn what the height and characteristics of your fence should be for your pool. Also, your homeowner’s insurance company may have additional guidelines to follow in order for you to be covered for any accidents.

Install a Residual Current Device or Circuit Breaker

Electricity and water do not mix. In fact, you can become electrocuted if you do not install a residual current device or circuit breaker along with your pool’s electrical components. The device or circuit breaker will turn off the electricity immediately if water contacts electrical parts.

Ensure That the Pump, Suction and Grates Are Installed Properly

Be certain that the grates, suction components and pump are installed correctly. This will prevent swimmers from getting injured.

Plants in Surrounding Landscape Should Be Skin-Friendly

Another safety factor to consider is the type of plants that surround your pool. Avoid ones with thorns or sharp points as well as those that will cause skin rashes and other reactions such as poison ivy or sumac.

Turn to Delorenzo Pools to learn additional details about things to consider with swimming pool safety when you are building a backyard swimming pool. We are experts in all areas of pool design, construction, renovation and landscaping.

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