Swimming Pool Therapeutic Benefits for the Body

January 30, 2018

Experts recommend that adults participate in 150 to 300 minutes of activity a week depending on whether it is intense or moderate. While intense workouts are ideal for those in prime physical condition, others require a way to work out in a more moderate fashion. Swimming is one activity that can range from moderate to intense. It just depends on how you go about it. Regardless of the level of intensity, swimming remains a low-impact exercise since the water takes the pressure off the body. Below, we share many of the swimming pool therapeutic benefits for the body.

Swimming Exercises Multiple Muscle Groups

When you swim, you exercise multiple muscle groups instead of just one group. As a result, you can tone your entire body each swimming session. Of course, if you just paddle around in the water, you will not be as successful as you will be swimming laps.

Swimming and Water Aerobics Can Be Therapy for Those Recovering from Injuries

Water aerobics and swimming can be recovery therapy for those with injuries. The water reduces the pressure on joints, bones and muscles and makes it easier for injured people to perform the necessary exercises to recoup their full range of motion while maintaining their strength and muscle tone.

Swimming Reduces Stress

Whether you lounge around in the water, swim at random or swim laps for an effective workout, swimming will lower your stress level. Make this part of your weekly and even daily routine whenever possible, and you will significantly reduce your anxiety level. You may find that it also lowers your blood pressure as an added benefit.

Swimming Increases the Heart Rate in a Low-Impact Manner

You can turn swimming into a cardio workout to increase your heart rate just by moving through the water as fast as you possibly can, and it still stays low-impact. This means that you do not overly tax your joints, bones and muscles while burning calories and improving the health of your heart.

Swimming Also Is Fun as a Social Activity

You can boost your mood with swimming since you can enjoy it with friends and family members. Splash about, have water races or see who can swim the longest underwater without coming up for air are just some of the activities you can do in the swimming pool with others just for the fun of it all.

To receive swimming pool therapeutic benefits for your body, allow Delorenzo Pools to build you the pool of your dreams. We skillfully design, construct and enhance your pool in the ideal manner for your intended use of it.

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