Swimming Pool Tile Grouts: Do Not Take Them For Granted

June 8, 2018

When you mention the words “swimming pool”, most people will think about relaxing fun, being able to dive into cool water to escape the summer heat. Swimming pools are also a great place where families and friends can enjoy time together, have parties and cook-outs. Having a beautiful tiled swimming pool in your backyard is also a good investment, as it increases the property value of your home, but they do need to be maintained to keep up their appearance.

When swimming pools are not maintained properly, a variety of problems will eventually develop. However, even when swimming pools are maintained, problems can still occur as your pool ages. Some of the most common problems are related to the condition of swimming pool tile grouts, although it may seem like a minor problems, you should not take them for granted.

Do Not Take Swimming Pool Tile Grout Problems for Granted

Problems with swimming pool tile grout can cause conditions that can ultimately lead to re-grouting your pool. For example, if you notice any of the following conditions, you may need to re-grout your swimming pool:

  • Large areas of your pool have grout missing.
  • Tiles are becoming loose and coming off.
  • Swimming pool tile grouts are turning black.
  • Your pool keeps going green.

If you notice any of these conditions developing in your pool, it is highly advised that you have it looked at by professionals, especially if tile grout is missing and/or pool tiles are coming off.

When grout and tiles are missing, algae spores will begin to develop on the exposed porous concrete below, and you will start to see black areas in your pool. The main reason why grout will begin to crumble and fall out is that the mixture was to weak when it was applied, and when grout dries like that air bubbles can form. When the grout completely dries, trapped air bubbles make the grout brittle and crack.

Another reason for tile grout deterioration could be that your pool’s pH is too low, which can literally eat away at swimming pool grout. Most unsightly swimming pool grout problems can be fixed if taken care of early, but there are times when re-grouting is needed.

If you notice any or the tell-tale signs mention above, do not take them for granted because if left unattended swimming pool tile grout problems can become costly to repair. If you are unsure that you need to re-grout your swimming pool, and you want an honest appraisal of your pool system, then you can contact us here at Delorenzo Pools.

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