Waterproofing Your Swimming Pool Tiles: Why is this Very Important?

February 15, 2021

In terms of constructing swimming pools, there are a wide variety of pool tile materials that can be used and maximised. Ceramic and porcelain pool tiles have been popular in swimming pool construction since they have smooth surfaces and can effectively resist heat. Glass pool tiles, alternatively, can enhance the appearance of swimming pools due to their luxurious looks. Other notable materials that are used for swimming pools are stone tiles, mosaic tiles, and brick tiles.

But even with their outstanding qualities and properties, swimming pool tiles must still undergo waterproofing. Without waterproofing, swimming pool tiles might get damaged easily. And as an effect, it can cost pool owners notable expenses when it comes to repairs or replacements.

Importance of Waterproofing Swimming Pool Tiles

Your newly installed swimming pool tiles must undergo waterproofing as the process can provide great benefits to the said materials. One benefit of the waterproofing process is that it can effectively prevent water from infiltrating the inner surface of the swimming pool tiles. Water can easily weaken the whole structure of the pool tiles. Without any waterproofing element, these tiles can deteriorate quickly as water continues to breach and destabilise their entire inner surface.

Another benefit of waterproofing is that it can increase the strength qualities of the swimming pool tiles. Waterproofing compounds can amplify the strength of the tiles. They can even enhance the resistance of the tiles against damaging elements such as extreme temperatures, chemical, and corrosion. The spread of microorganisms and mould on pool tiles can likewise be prevented with the right waterproofing agents.

Waterproofing swimming pool tiles does not only make them durable against elements, but it can also make them simpler to clean and maintain. Swimming pool tiles that have suitable waterproofing agents can make their maintenance needs much more reasonable compared to those that do not have any protective compounds. Tiles that have waterproofing compounds will not be sensitive anymore to cleaning tools and solutions since they often have reliable adhesion.

Steps for Waterproofing Swimming Pool Tiles

The waterproofing process of swimming pool tiles can be done in numerous steps. First, swimming pool tiles should have a good base or substrate so they can effectively bond with the tile adhesive. Next, the substrate of the pool tiles must be free from contaminants to avoid potential problems in the future. Elements such as grease, residues, and dust must be removed for better waterproofing results.

The waterproofing agent must then be applied to the swimming pool tiles accordingly. But before doing this, all control joints, substrate joints, field seams, and corners must all be flashed first. The duration of curing mostly depends on the waterproofing agent that is used. Once the agent has cured, the swimming pool tiles must be checked for any possible leaks.

Waterproofing with Delorenzo Pools Melbourne

If you need help with waterproofing swimming pool tiles, feel free to contact us at Delorenzo Pools Melbourne. We provide owner building consulting and full services for your concrete swimming pool; we strive for the best possible solution for our clients at an affordable price. We love what we do, and we bring passion and commitment to every project we take on.

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