Ways to Make Sure that Your Swimming Pool is Safe for a Holiday Party

November 19, 2019

With the holidays coinciding with the beginning of the summer season, Christmas in Australia can be really hot and humid. That is why holiday pool parties are a trend in this part of the world. However, this type of activity can pose a lot of dangers if left neglected and unregulated. Below are ways to make sure that your swimming pool is safe for a holiday party.

Pool Fencing

Experts recommend that there be a four-sided non-climbable pool fencing around a pool perimeter. Install a fence at least 4 feet high around all four sides of the pool. The fence should not have openings or protrusions that a young child could use to get over, under, or through. Make sure that the gate leading to your pool is self-closing and self-latching, and that it opens out. Latches should be above a child's reach, and the space between the bottom of the fence and the ground should be less than 4 inches. Never prop open a gate to the pool area.

Protective Layers

It is important that you build layers of protection around your pool. In-ground pool alarms, motorized pool-safety covers, dead-bolt locks on back doors, four-sided pool fences, and Coast Guard–approved flotation devices are all good and vital options that can stand between your family and devastating tragedy. You should also install and maintain a pump to prevent potentially deadly puddling on your pool cover, and make sure to keep a lifesaving ring, floats, and a shepherd’s crook reaching pole in the same spot at all times.

You can also cover your pool with a rigid safety cover (preferably a motorized one) whenever you're not using it, even during swimming season. With an above-ground pool, remove ladders and steps when they're not in use. Make sure the cover fits securely over the pool's entire surface. Otherwise, anyone may get under it and become trapped.

Ensure Pool Services

Hire a certified professional to check that the pool’s safety cover is working properly, the electrical components are up to snuff, and the fencing is solid, with self-closing and self-latching gates functioning as they should. Have them checked for and repair loose screws or rough edges that could catch bathing suits or hair and possibly trap swimmers.

Emergency Plan

Every pool owner should know even basic cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). You should be alert and act immediately should circumstances arise. Instead of waiting for emergency responders, try to learn these skills at home. You could also purchase an all-weather sign with CPR instructions to hang on the inside of your pool gate, and be sure to print your home’s address on it in permanent marker in case anyone needs to call an ambulance.

Safety is of utmost importance in all aspects that is why you should ensure that your pool complies with such standards. We at Delorenzo Pools Melbourne specialise in all things about pools, owner builder and consultation.

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