What is Swimming Pool Resurfacing and the Signs that Your Pool Needs It?

August 17, 2018

Swimming pool resurfacing is basically a process that entails making needed pool repairs, typically involving removing any damaged materials, and then applying a new surface coating. Swimming pool resurfacing, when done right, transforms old pools by giving them a new look. With a sparkling new surface, swimming pools look brand new again.

Resurfacing is the ultimate alternative to buying a new swimming pool, it is not only cheaper, but the new look will last for decades. How do property owners know if they need swimming pool resurfacing? 

Signs that Your Pool Needs Swimming Pool Resurfacing

What are the signs that a pool needs resurfacing? If you have owned your swimming pool for many years, then you may be experiencing the same old problems, such as the unsightly and worn appearance of your concrete pool. If you notice any chipping or cracking, then it means that the waterproofing membrane that covers the surface of your concrete pool has been compromised. And, if not repaired, the problem will definitely get worse over time.

A damaged concrete pool is the main reason why people have their pools resurfaced. There are various types of damages that can build up to warrant swimming pool resurfacing, such as:

  • Pool disuse – when water level is not maintain, and your pool sits empty, direct sun exposure can cause damage to its surface. 
  • Unbalanced water chemistry – improper balancing water chemistry can cause stains on pool surfaces, as well as algae build up. These can be removed with swimming pool resurfacing.
  • Old plaster finishes – if you have owned your swimming pool for more than ten years, then you eventually will need to have your swimming pool’s surface refinished because older finishes roughly last 10-12 years.
  • Worn texture – does your pool’s surface feel rougher than it should? If it does, it means your pool’s surface is deteriorating and needs to be replaced, as it will only get worse.
  • Pool leaks – worn or damaged pool surfaces can cause leaks. If you have to keep adding water to your pool, then you definitely have a leak. During the process of swimming pool resurfacing, water is drained and all repairs are conduct before applying a new surface.

If you need swimming pool resurfacing, but you are worried about not having the use of your pool for a long period of time. Not to worry, as swimming pool resurfacing doesn’t take that long, depending on the repairs needed, it only takes a few days. However, it does take roughly two weeks for the new surface to properly cure before you can use your pool again.

Two weeks is not a long time when considering that the new surface and look will last for decades.

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