What Type of Paint is Suitable for Your Concrete Swimming Pool?

October 23, 2017

Everyone loves swimming pools, their great. What’s makes them even better is when they are decked-out, replete with all the trappings of the high-life – wonderfully executed tiling, tasteful metal accents, and a flawless paint job. Nobody wants a boring, stark-white pool anymore, and while that may be a sort of stereotypical standard, it isn’t always an excellent choice when you want to score some serious aesthetic points.

However, finding the right paint that is suitable for concrete swimming pools can be a tad difficult. Not only does the choice of paint have to withstand a near-perpetual submersion in water, it also has to be able to hold its own against the constant barrage of UV and UVB rays, as well as sudden shifts in temperature. But above all else, it has to be safe and non-toxic.

The problem with using standard paints for swimming pools is that they have a tendency to leach toxins into the water. They also have a propensity to chip, tear, or warp because of the constant exposure to moisture and sunlight. Thankfully, there are specialised paints that are employed for the sole purpose of swimming pool painting.

In the unique niche of painting swimming pools, there are three standard go-to paint varieties, each with their own respective pros and cons:

  • Epoxy pool paint – a solvent-type paint, it is considered one of the longest-lasting varieties of pool paint available today. Highly resistant to chemicals, staining, abrasion, and light damage, it is renowned for its clean satin finish, and may even help smooth out rough surfaces thanks to its superior coverage and ability to ‘build up’ with repetitive applications.
  • It’s versatile enough to be used on concrete, fibreglass, plaster and gunite pools. It is also the most expensive, and the most difficult to apply without professional help.
  • Premium acrylic – if you’re looking for something cheaper, there’s always premium acrylic pool paints. Not as long-lasting or durable as epoxy paints, but far more Eco-friendly and easier to apply, it is an ideal choice for concrete pools, since it is famed for its glossy finish.
  • Water-based Acrylic – this is the most affordable type of swimming pool paint, and is the fastest-drying. Because of its quick drying time, it is sought-after for commercial pool applications, although it is notorious for its short lifespan. It dries to an almost egg-shell matte finish, but will chip, chalk, tear and degrade faster than the former two paints.

Considering the choices, pool professional recommend using epoxy swimming pool paint whenever possible, as it provides flawless results when applied by experienced pool painters.

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