When to Drain a Swimming Pool for Repair Assessment?

October 24, 2018

The decision to drain an inground swimming pool should not be taken lightly, and in some places you may even be required to obtain a permit to drain your swimming pool. When should swimming pools be drained? It is highly recommended not to drain a swimming pool unless it is absolutely necessary, and even then, it should be undertaken by pool professionals. That’s because draining the water from swimming pools can put them at risk of serious damage.

There are few circumstances that require the draining of water from a swimming, one of the main reasons is to conduct a repair assessment, but there are others, as you will discover below:

Swimming pool repair assessment – during a pool repair assessment, which consists of inspecting, servicing, and repairing the elements of a swimming pools, there may be a need to drain the water if serious repairs are needed that cannot be accomplished with water in the pool. An example would be when internal pool plumbing needs to be repaired or replaced, or when alteration and additions to pool systems are planned.

Resurfacing, tiling, and cleaning your swimming pool – draining the water would also be needed if you plan on resurfacing or tiling your swimming pool, or when there is a need for acid washing and pool cleaning. Depending on your pool’s location and how often it is used and cleaned, pool professionals recommend draining swimming pools once every 5 years to have them thoroughly cleaned of calcium and mineral deposits that will eventual damage pool tiles and grout.

Once the decision is made to drain your pool, it needs to be done at the right time by professionals, otherwise, there are risks involved if your pool is drained improperly.

Risks of Improperly Draining Your Swimming Pool

The first thing to consider when draining your swimming pool is where will all the water go? It is important to drain the water as far away from your pool as possible because if too much water is absorbed into the ground near your pool it can cause it to crack or even “float” the bottom of your pool. A condition that will lead to costly repairs.

If you had a repair assessment for your swimming pool, and you are advised to drain it, so that repairs can be conducted, you may want a second opinion. Most of the time, swimming pool repair and maintenance can be accomplished without having to drain your pool. At Delorenzo Pools, we can conduct a repair assessment for your swimming pool to determine if it is really necessary to drain the water, or not.

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