Why Adding Glass Tiles Can Give Your Swimming Pool a Touch of Elegance

August 9, 2017

Tiles are a mainstay in any swimming pool, and you’ll rarely see a pool these days without tile. While most basic swimming pool tiles are the stereotypical sort featuring stark-white tiles, which are typically plain and uninteresting, these are also quite difficult to clean.

However, a revolution of sorts in the pool-design industry took the world by storm when coloured swimming pool tile became available. The standard motifs of white tiles were slowly being replaced with coloured tiles that are available in different finishes, and textures, lending an additional touch of variety to a decidedly blasé aesthetic.

Nowadays, coloured tiles have become something of a staple, leaving completely white pool tiles as the basic default of schools and three to two-star hotels and resorts.

While coloured tiles are the main choice for home swimming pools, they are interesting and do come in a distinct and near-unlimited variety.

Coloured tiles also possess a number of the same drawbacks as white tiles, in that they lose their brilliant hue, if left un-cleaned for a period of time, and these can alter the appearance of the surface of the water into whatever colour the tiles are, sometimes to the detriment of aesthetic beauty.

There is an alternative to coloured and white tiles however, a tile that is both ancient and very appealing – glass tiles.

Reasons to Add Glass Tiles to Your Swimming Pool

Glass tiles may sound like something ultra-modernistic, or a unique pool aesthetic feature for a rich person’s home, but they are not new and have a long history of use in pools of all sizes. Popular since the time of the Etruscans and Ancient Egyptians, glass tiles are by far the most elegant sort of tile money can buy.

Created to be anywhere from completely translucent and refractive, to opaque yet perfectly clear, glass pool tiles offer the following advantages to any swimming pool:

  • Added illusion of depth – because glass allows light to pass through it, much like water, it adds an illusion of depth to a pool, making a small pool seem deeper and larger.
  • Classy aesthetics – nothing beats the look of beautifully cut glass tiles on a pool, which reminds one of either something very classical, futuristic, or elegant.
  • Easy to clean – unlike normal tiles which will discolour with age, glass tiles are 100% non-porous and will not change colour with time. Cleaning these is also easier and cheaper.

If you’re looking for a great way to jazz up a drab pool, then consider a pool renovation by professionals at Delorenzo Pools – specialising for owner builders, DIY pool construction.

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