Why Do Swimming Pool Tiles Fall Off and What Should You Do?

February 28, 2018

If you own a swimming pool then the odds are pretty good that it has tiles in and or around it. The odds are also pretty good that, at some point, some of your tiles may have begun to detach and fall off of the pool. Now, seeing your elaborate or ornate tiles breaking away from their resting place can be a cause for concern. Mostly, folks don't understand why their tiles are suddenly being problematic. Let's walk you through the many reasons that could lead to your swimming pool tiles falling off as well as what you should to fix and prevent it from happening again.

Pool Tile Problems - What causes a pool tile to fall?

It's easy for our mind to leap to the most dramatic and anxiety-inducing cause for a problem but that is thankfully not the case for misbehaving pool tiles. Pool tiles falling is actually an incredibly common problem that pool owners around the world have. As it turns out, there are a variety of different reasons that your pool tiling may start to act fickle. Here are a few of the most common problems associated with detaching pool tiles.

  1. The Weather - Of course. Your pool is probably outside and that means your tiles are beholden to the weather. Freezing weather causes a surface to contract and hot weather causes it to expand. Apply that concept to the area where your tiles are applied and you have a solution. This problem most often presents itself when ice builds up underneath the pool. In order to prevent this problem make sure that your pool is equipped with an expansion joint which allows for cold weather to impact the makeup of the pool.
  2. Damage to the Pool - Cracks can start to develop in and around your tiling due to common wear and tear as well as other more traumatic events, such as dropping a heavy object. Keep a close eye on your pool in order to watch out for problems that could develop into bigger ones later on.
  3. Issues with the Deck - Finally, your deck can be the big troublemaker for your falling tiles. If your deck is attached to the tiling and the weather has been harsh, problems with your deck can begin to impact your tiling. Make sure that your deck is appropriately spaced away from your pool so as to allow a buffering area for the deck to expand and contract.

No matter what ends up being the cause of your pool tiling issues, we can be sure to help you here at Delorenzo Pools. Our company has been servicing pools in Melbourne for nearly three decades now and we are ready to do the same for you.

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