Why is Lighting Important in Swimming Pool Design?

June 26, 2017

Many people overlook the importance of lighting in swimming pool design. Although everyone appreciates good lighting in a pool area for night swimming and for moving easily around the pool's deck and surrounding areas, it is easy to forget just how essential good lighting is to your pool's basic design and functionality. Effective lighting also lends elegance and glamour to your pool and the garden or lounging areas around it. Of course, good lighting is crucial to the safety of nighttime swimming. For the security of you, your family, neighbors and other guests who may enjoy the use of your outdoor or indoor pool for exercise, recreation and socializing, be sure to have your pool architect or designer include adequate lighting plans in the blueprint for construction of your home swimming pool.

Why Good Quality Lighting is Essential in the Design of Your Swimming Pool

Important reasons for including good lighting plans in the design for your home swimming pool include the following:

  • Safe and Secure Pool Use. - In order to ensure the safe and secure use of your pool by everyone in your household as well as your neighbors and guests, you need to have a well-lit pool area. Without adequate lighting, pool users may not fully see the steps leading to, from or into your pool. They may slip and fall, possibly suffering injuries that could easily be avoided by good pool lighting. Swimmers also need enough lights in your pool area to correctly judge distances and placement of pool sides and bottom when swimming laps, diving or playing games with other swimmers in your pool. Especially when young teens and children are swimming, good lighting is essential for keeping up with them and their pool and poolside activities.
  • Attractive Atmosphere. - Lighting aesthetics are important for quality swimming pool design. With the advice and assistance of your swimming pool designer, you can acquire safe, pleasing and effective lighting for your entire pool area. Well-designed pool lights will enhance your swimming experience and lend beauty and charm to the atmosphere of your pool and its adjoining areas. With excellent lighting, you will create an attractive, artistic pool experience for everyone, and family or guests of all ages will be drawn to your safe, inviting pool with its relaxing yet well-lit atmosphere. Everyone is intrigued by the outstanding visual effects of light beams directed at water, and your pool can gain value as a showplace of chic elegance as well as being a great place for relaxation, exercise, social gathering and entertainment.
  • Full Use of Pool and Surroundings. - With good quality lighting for your indoor or outdoor swimming pool and its surroundings, you and your family, neighbors and other visitors will enjoy full use of your pool and all areas around it. In your indoor swimming solarium, you will enjoy a well-lit pool for exercise, sports and socializing on bright sunny days and during dark, cloudy weather conditions. If you have an outdoor home pool, you and other swimming enthusiasts can take a dip, swim laps or float around your lighted pool on lazy-moving rafts for leisurely enjoyment. Under the pleasing lights of the pool's nearby deck and grilling area, you and your friends or family can enjoy a meal, poolside snacks and/or tall drinks at whatever hour of the night you choose.

When you engage the expert services of Delorenzo Pools of Melbourne, your new swimming pool design will include professional lighting placement for ultimate beauty and safety to be enjoyed by everyone who swims in your pool. The top quality design, construction and finishing team of this top-tier pool building company will provide the finest caliber advice, planning and construction experts currently obtainable for the planning and building of a well-designed and finely lit home swimming pool. You, the members of your household and all your friends will enjoy swimming and partying in and around your tastefully lit, attractive modern pool for many years to come.

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